Channel: Questions in topic: "string-splitting"
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Picking strings out of XML-like text

I have some XML-like data that is stored as nvarchar(max). A cell from the table in which it is stored, looks a bit like...

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Best way of splitting text into its individual words in SQL

I know plenty of ways of splitting strings, but what is the best/fastest way of splitting text into its individual words to produce a table of words, and their sequence? Naturally I'd want to take off...

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string seperated by commas into same column

Struggling with this issue. I have a string seperated by commas, trying to seperate & add all into the same column with double quotes, please see below trying to convert...

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search fields that contain commas

I'm searching a field in a table that contains commas. The field contains sales ids and it it's stores in this format: 267,549,496. This web app was created a long time ago and I've been tasked with...

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T-SQL - replace substring using wildcards

Hi, |I have several hundred SQL queries that need to be modified by removing a certain part of the WHERE Clause I want to remove this string: `AND CHARINDEX([DL_LiquidityBandMat],'%;')>0` where %...

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I have a string. I want to generate a table from it

@STR = 'sadf dfd gf rgt fg rt tr ew' REQUIRED OUTPUT: sadf dfd gf rgt fg rt tr ew (i.e., columns(sadf dfd gf rgt fg rt tr ew) in a table )

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Picking strings out of XML-like text

I have some XML-like data that is stored as nvarchar(max). A cell from the table in which it is stored, looks a bit like...

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Best way of splitting text into its individual words in SQL

I know plenty of ways of splitting strings, but what is the best/fastest way of splitting text into its individual words to produce a table of words, and their sequence? Naturally I'd want to take off...

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string seperated by commas into same column

Struggling with this issue. I have a string seperated by commas, trying to seperate & add all into the same column with double quotes, please see below trying to convert...

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search fields that contain commas

I'm searching a field in a table that contains commas. The field contains sales ids and it it's stores in this format: 267,549,496. This web app was created a long time ago and I've been tasked with...

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T-SQL - replace substring using wildcards

Hi, |I have several hundred SQL queries that need to be modified by removing a certain part of the WHERE Clause I want to remove this string: `AND CHARINDEX([DL_LiquidityBandMat],'%;')>0` where %...

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I have a string. I want to generate a table from it

@STR = 'sadf dfd gf rgt fg rt tr ew' REQUIRED OUTPUT: sadf dfd gf rgt fg rt tr ew (i.e., columns(sadf dfd gf rgt fg rt tr ew) in a table )

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Split a string in one column to multiple columns using ssis

I have a column in sql server table in which sever name is the data. I need to split the server name in to two columns. Host name goes in to one column and instance name goes in to another column. Any...

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i m expecting single row answer in different column

![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/2548-capture.png

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Split a column based on a pattern

I have a column of semi-structured text (datatype varchar(7000)). Within that text there are certain patterns and I want to be able to split based on the presence of the pattern for instance: Row 1...

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split TWO delimited strings into rows but keep the two sets of strings...

Each record has an identifier, and TWO fields with delimited strings that contain varying numbers (sometimes a single set, could be dozens of sets) of related data:RecordIDItem_ListItem_ValuesRecID1...

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String Manipulation

I have a column consisting of strings of the like abc_defg_ghi_jklmn etc. The number of characters after and before the delimiter is dynamic. For this example, I wish to split the string into 4...

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String splitting and performing function

This is the query which i used for the table named new and the column sold_price which is in the form example 5 CR or 50 L. There are only 2 discrete values in the respective column either "CR" or...

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